My background is in early years, I started out with an NNEB and then went on to achieve a BA honours in Early Childhood Studies and an MA in Early Years Education. I have a wide range of experience in working with children and young people across the ages; from working closely with nurseries and children's centres advising them on their practice to working with older teenagers around issues of mental health. For 20 years I worked for a national children's charity, during this time I managed participation work for a local authority. I also managed Gypsy and Traveller play work and led on participation training across the country.
For the last 8 years I have worked as a freelance Nurture consultant with Brighter futures in Bath, in this role I support children with high social, emotional and mental health needs. I work with them during their reception year in school, supporting the child and the adults who work with home.
During the last 8 years I have also been an author, mainly writing books for early years staff. A list of all my books is on the published page. I am also currently the series advisor on Little Minds Matter, a children’s wellbeing series of books aimed at early years practitioners for Routledge.